Stephen Fry has coloured my view of twitter- the thought of letting people you don’t know and will almost certainly never meet in on the mundane details of one’s daily life seems plain silly. But, a bit like Dev (!) when he spoke about television in 1962, we need to embrace this new technology and see it for the valuable communication tool which it is. And so Rachel Nolan, our website designer, has been working very hard behind the scenes to eliminate my prejudices and here are the fruits of her labour!
Communication with our parents is a high priority and we continue to seek new ways to increase and improve the dissemination of information. The feedback we have received about the website has been overwhelmingly positive from both parents and boys (the photos provide a great opportunity for the boys to share their experiences with their parents) and we are keen to use technology to continue this open communication. Quick transmission of information has facilitated changes- often overnight- to traffic flow within the School, resulting in everyone knowing where they are to be and how they are to get there. Similarly, the progress of the Building Programme has been mapped using photographs taken at key dates during the past year.
Grandparents and relatives not in the country have been able to follow the Junior Boys’ School from afar.
We have taken the next step in this strategy and Belgrove Junior Boys’ School is now on Twitter! Initially, we will tweet a link each time an update is made to the website (news added, photos uploaded etc.) so followers can always be sure they are up to date with School information.
Follow us on Twitter @BelgroveJBS