First Holy Communion enrolment Masses

When I was in primary school, the First Holy Communion was ‘done’ in school with no reference to Parents and so I have no recollection of it being a celebration in which my family was involved. One very enlightened aspect of the current ‘do this in memory’ programme is the tripartite nature of the preparation with the boys- Parish, home and school. This brings me to last Sunday and the first of our enrolment Masses. It was great to see all the boys there and conducting themselves (with a small c) so well. More refreshing though was the level of Parental involvement. From the preparation of the readings to the address to the Parents, Parents were to the fore.

I want to thank each Parent for making the effort to come to these Masses. As Frs. Martin, Larry & Gareth will aver, faith is something even the most holy and religious people struggle with. Sometimes just being in the Church can be a very moving first step.

So……..well done to everyone and it bodes very well for this important year that so  many of you have become involved!