Two weeks to recharge batteries after a tough three month term (and that’s just the staff!).
Yesterday we had 6 artists who have been shortlisted to produce a piece of art visit the School. They walked from class to class on both the junior and senior corridor and when finished they commented on how beautifully the classrooms were turned out and the wide array of interesting projects which were either complete or still in train. I have to admit that it was good for me to be reminded how well each classroom looks- not good to take things for granted!
I was reminded by a staff member today that I mis-spelled the word ‘comiserations’ in a blog last week. She is quite correct- there is a double M in the word (this place becomes more like the letters page of the Irish Times every day!).
The School staff held their last break in the old staffroom today- while it was very cramped, the fact that it was so small meant all conversations involved everyone and could- and often did- go in very interesting directions! The Senior Boys’ Staff and Mr. Byrne have kindly offered us the use of their staff room until June.
On the website this week, we have photos of the last tea in the staff room, planting potatoes in the School garden with Mrs. Fanning and our Spring Assembly.
Many thanks to everyone for the very generous donations to Trócaire- any forgotten boxes can be dropped to us after Easter.
We raised €724 from our Lá Glas and that donation will go to Our Lady’s Hospital in Crumlin.
There seems to be some confusion about the letters which were sent out yesterday. These letters were reminders in respect of the Voluntary Contribution. As the name implies this is a voluntary donation one can make to help us to meet costs associated with the extras we are happy to provide in the School. You will know the Voluntary Contribution Form because it has a letter from Revenue attached to it.
The school charges which are (I think) about €80 (or of the order of €120 for boys in Second Class who pay extra for swimming) are mandatory and are usually called early in October.
Enjoy the break!